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    1. Holocene(Recent) The present epoch in the geological time scale, being the second epoch of the Quaternary period, dating from the end of the last glaciation, about 10000 years ago, to the present day.
    2. It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.
    3. It turned out that Epoch Times had published an anonymous article to viciously denigrate the clergywoman Janet Fan. So this clergywoman charged Epoch Times with slander.
    4. A large, coin-shaped, fossil foraminifer of the genus Nummulites, widely distributed in limestone formations from the Eocene Epoch to the Miocene Epoch of the Cenozoic.
    5. A large, coin-shaped, fossil foraminifer of the genus Nummulites, widely distributed in limestone formations from the Eocene Epoch to the Miocene Epoch of the Cenozoic.


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