1. The selection criteria are based on content, topic relevancy, educational value, accuracy, communication skills and creativity. 评审准则包括︰内容、对主题的演示、教育性、准确性、表达技巧、创意。
2. By analyzing and summarizing the relevancy, this paper also gave some specific advice on the reformation of land requisition system. 通过分析和总结二者的内在关系,对征地制度的改革方向提出了富有针对性的政策建议。
3. The quality and relevancy of the arguments and of the experts is decreasing, having gone from population geneticists to bio-statisticians to statisticians from completely unrelated fields. 争论和专家的质量和关联性都在下降,已经从人口遗传学家转移到生物统计学家,再到完全不相关的领域的统计学家。
1. the relation of something to the matter at hand