1. The reportorial misdirect that statement points to individual media the masses, made basic legal mistake. 声明指个别媒体的报道误导了大众,犯了基本的法律错误。
2. The doing with the closest CNN violates the reportorial principle of the external equilibrium that he alleges completely, lost moral criterion even. CNN最近的所作所为完全违反自己所宣称的客观平衡的报道原则,甚至丧失了道德准则。
3. The astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers. 这种对于新闻媒体的让人吃惊的不信任感不是源于报道的不准确性和报道的技巧而是源于报道者和他们读者之间日常的对于世界看法的冲突。