1. On revocation under this Chapter, the donee is obliged to return the goods. 依本章规定行使撤销权的,受赠人负返还动产的义务。
2. Revocation of the county system in 1958, to resume in 1962, posts Zhangye area (hereinafter referred to as the region area). 1958年撤销县制,1962年恢复,隶于张掖专区(后称专区为地区)。
3. The proposed certificate revocation schemes restrict algorithm performance because they fail to consider the differences between the probabilities of inquiring certificate. 在目前已经提出的证书废除机制中,由于未考虑证书查询概率之间的差异,限制了算法的性能。
1. the state of being cancelled or annulled
2. the act (by someone having the authority) of annulling something previously done