mature 指生物自然发育成熟或丰满或使其能起正常作用,还可指人获得智慧、经验或变得世故。 ripen 侧重已到长生成熟的顶点。 age 一般指使人过早成熟,强调已走向衰老。 develop 侧重使某一种类或个体潜在本能进化完全,词义比mature广泛。
1. The grapes are ripening, the apple trees are heavy with fruit. 葡萄就要熟了,苹果树上结满了果实。
2. Yes, all my illusions will burn into illumination of joy, and all my desires ripen into fruits of love. 是的,我所有的幻想将燃烧成快乐的光明,我所有的心愿将成熟为爱的果实。
3. For almost 45 days, the temperature stayed above 25 degrees Celsius during the day and the cool nights helped the grapes to ripen quickly and reach phenolic maturity. 几乎45天,白天的温度都高于摄氏25度,加上夜晚凉爽的天气,葡萄得到了快速成熟的机会,从而具备了丰沛的果味。
1. cause to ripen or develop fully
2. grow ripe