1. Vitamins contribute in some way to such diseases as scurvy, sore eyes, beriberi and rickets. 维他命可利于治疗一些疾病,如坏血病,眼痛,脚气病和软骨病等。
2. A disease, such as scurvy, beriberi, or pellagra, caused by deficiency of one or more essential vitamins. 一种存在于新鲜水果(尤其是柑桔类水果)和蔬菜中的维生素;防止坏血病。
3. Captain James Cook had reached Australia's east coast, and thanks to sauerkraut and citrus juice, he had lost none of his crew to scurvy. 多亏了腌菜和柠檬,詹姆斯库克船长才能达到澳大利亚的东海岸,没有一个船员得坏血病。
1. a condition caused by deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
2. of the most contemptible kind