1. There is no greater delight than to be conscious of sincerity on self-examination. 反身而诚,乐莫大焉。(真诚地反省自己,没有比这更大的乐趣了。)
2. MentorSphere will allow users to take a comprehensive self-examination, with thousands of questions, to map out their vocational options. 它将让使用者们用数千个问题,进行一次全面的自我审视,找出自己的职业选择。
3. The question awareness includes both the searching of practical managerial matters and self-examination for problems faced with management. 问题意识包括对现实管理问题的挖掘和对管理学面临的问题的自身反省两个方面。
1. the contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct