1. A period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence. 对自身习惯的不适中的放任。
2. Perfect by nature, icons of self-indulgence. Just what we all need, more lies about a world that never was and never will be. 美貌动人,内心自我放任的偶像。正如我们必须的,越来越多的谎言,这个世界从没有真正存在过。
3. So, if we can catalogue the "non preferred" lives as medically-sanctioned outcasts, we can discard them, save our money and go on in our self-indulgence. 那么,假如我们能把“不受人喜欢”的生命当作医学上认可的被抛弃的人编入目录的话,我们就能抛弃他们,省下钱,继续自我放纵。
1. an inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires
2. excess in action and immoderate indulgence of bodily appetites, especially in passion or indulgence