cabin 多指建造粗糙的简陋小木屋,也指旅客或船员住的船舱。现在也指节假日游游者的简便住房。 cottage 指穷苦人住的乡间小茅屋。现在也指雅致的小住宅,在美国可指别墅。 but 多指供居住或遮避风雨的简易小屋。 shed 一般指四壁没有完全封闭,供牲畜用或储藏东西、停放车辆等的简易棚屋。
1. The crow even shed tears. 乌鸦甚至流下了眼泪。
2. She shed tears of shame. 她流下了悔恨的泪水。
3. The parents shed some tears of joy at the daughter wedding. 这对父母在女儿的婚礼上流下了高兴的眼泪。
1. an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage
2. get rid of
3. pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities
4. cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over
5. cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers adj.
1. shed at an early stage of development