1. SCARLETT: He looks as if, as if he knows what I looked like without my shimmy. 斯佳丽:他看起来好像,好像知道我不穿内衣会像是什么样。
2. Front-wheel tramp, also called high-speed shimmy. This condition causes the front wheels to move up and down alternately. 前轮颠簸,也称为高速摆振:这种情况是由于前轮上下交替运动所引起的。
3. The simulation results indicate that the optimized structure parameters will reduce the vehicle shimmy amplitude obviously. 结果表明,通过优化对抑制摆振取得了较好的效果。
1. an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle (especially in the front wheels)
2. a woman's sleeveless undergarment
3. lively dancing (usually to ragtime music) with much shaking of the shoulders and hips v.
1. tremble or shake
2. dance a shimmy