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    1. Each medal has a different color inlay: white for the gold medal, pale green for the silver medal, and dark green jade for the bronze medal.
    2. In Athens, Zhang Yining won the competition. So she got a gold medal. And this is Kim Kyang-Mi, she is the second. So she got a silver medal. This is Kim Kyung-ah. She got a bronze medal.
    3. Pakistani long jump athlete hydantoin · Ali wins a silver medal at Paralympic Game for Pakistan, this is also in the Pakistani history the first Paralympic Game medal.
    4. Model BT - 01 Bass Flute silver plated, French style key. Silver head joint or only Silver embouchure with silver embouchure can be supplied as appointment.
    5. The epithermal silver deposit, the mesothermal silver deposit in middle depth, the porphyry silver deposit and the skarn silver deposit exist in the horst of rifts.


    silver medal
    银牌; 银牌(第二名); 银牌(第二名); 银牌:;
    Civil Aid Service Long Service Silver Medal
    人民安全服务队长期服务银章; 民众安全服务队长期服务银章 公安; 民众安全服务队长期服务银章 公务员事务;
    Silver Powder in N Type Silver Paste of Contenting Phosphoric Agent Used in Silicone Solar Cells
    silver foil silver leaf
    silver-coated copper wire silver-plated copper conductor
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