1. Priest to the groom: You may take that, I want you to face each other, take a sip for now. A sip. 牧师对新郎说:你可以举起这杯酒了。我希望你们面向彼此,现在可以小酌一口了。一小口就好。
2. Sip the wine and let it go around in your mouth, then take in some air to oxygenate the wine and feel the nuances of the flavor. 抿一小口葡萄酒在口中,让口腔中的每一个部位都接触到葡萄酒,吸几口空气,以带出葡萄酒的香味,并细细品味。
3. They serve it at business meeting, they drink it on the street carried in little cups, they sip it in restaurants and sell it in souvenir shops. 他们经常在商务会议提供茶饮,在大街小巷有人品着一小杯子茶,也有人在饭店里品茶。茶叶也被作为纪念品出售。