1. Imagine me riding on the back of such a powerful beast, its sharp teeth bared in a predatory snarl. 想象一下吧,我骑在一只那么强大的野兽的背上,它那锋利的牙齿在掠食者的咆哮中显露无疑。
2. They not only bark, but they howl, growl, snarl, and whine. 狗不仅吠叫,而且还狂吠、怒吠、吼叫、哀叫。
3. 200 meters away from a corner I scarcely saw my own old house when a big dog likes a wolf dog ran like mad toward me ferociously. The speed is surprising its snarl freighting. 从两百米以外的拐角处,刚刚看到自家那老屋场时,却冷不防窜出一只狼犬似的大花狗,凶神恶煞地向我狂奔而来,那速度快得惊人,吠鸣声大得吓人。
4. A wary tiger flashes a toothy snarl in this extreme close-up. 一只机警的老虎在这个特写镜头里呲牙咆哮。
5. Be good at oil skin and snarl-up of pores. Accelerate the scar over of the wound. 改善油性肌肤和毛孔阻塞。促进结疤和伤口愈合,对烧伤、烫伤、割伤、伤口、皮肤溃疡和发炎有效。