1. "Holmes is dead, " he said. "I have done with him. " Ten of Sir Arthur's sixty books are about spiritism. “福尔摩斯已死,”他说,“我干掉了他。”阿瑟爵士的六十本著作中有十本是关于通灵学的。
2. New Age An umbrella term for a wide range of personal and individual beliefs and practices influenced primarily by eastern religions, paganism, spiritism. 新时代的总称广泛的个人和个人信仰和习俗的影响主要由东部的宗教,异教,招魂术。
3. For the past few years he had devoted virtually all his time to the propagation of spiritism, and was recognized as one of the great leaders of the world in that belief. 前些年他开始倾尽全部的时间和精力宣传通灵学,并且被公认为这一信仰的世界级伟大领袖之一。