1. Wear splint slipper for long to have a harm to health? 长时间穿夹板拖鞋对健康有危害吗?
2. Methods Using cotton cloth, nylon joint, splint, wrist-band, the fixation band was made. 方法用白棉布、尼龙搭扣、夹板、护腕制成中单式固定带。
3. In some cases, instead of a cast, a splint made of plastic or metal will be secured over the area to restrict movement. 在有些情况下可以不用石膏模,而是用由塑料或金属制成的夹板来保护受伤部位,限制它的运动。
1. a thin sliver of wood
2. an orthopedic mechanical device used to immobilize and protect a part of the body (as a broken leg) v.
1. support with a splint