1. I have a philosophical view of things, a stoical view of life, that it will be what it will be. 我对事情有个哲学观、对生命有个苦行观,也就是说,凡事皆有定数。
2. The stoical Danes do not expect so much of life and, expecting less, find what little they have rather nice. 清心寡欲的丹麦人对生活要得并不多,他们发现:少点欲望、多点快乐。
3. The death of the ministers is a big blow to a government already struggling to keep its less stoical ministers and parliamentarians in the country. 官员的遇难使得索马里政府更难留住该国本就很少的坚定的政府官员和国会议员。
1. seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive