1. The probability of any air-borne pollen grain impacting a female strobilus is in any case very small. 任何在空气中飘浮的花粉粒粘着于雌球花的几率,在任何情况下都是很小的。
2. Generally the strobilus-bearing cuttings are best cultivated in a warm atmosphere with the cut ends in water. 一般是把带有雄球花的枝条剪下来,插入水中,最好在温暖的环境下培育。
3. The sub-tropical winter weather has no apparent inhibition for the growth and development of the ovulate strobilus in Pinus massoniana. 亚热带的冬季气候对马尾松雌球果的生长发育没有明显的抑制作用。
1. cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts