1. Commander Wolffe's clone troopers have stylized wolf muzzles painted on their helmets. 沃尔夫指挥官的克隆人士兵的头盔上都绘有狼脸图形。
2. Samurai Jack is a far more stylized, design-driven show, while Star Wars: Clone Wars is much more realistic. 《武士杰克》更程式化,是一出着重于画面的节目,而《星球大战:克隆战争》却更写实。
3. "For most people, Bach is an old man in a wig, it is a stylized image, we have no realistic portrait of him, " Joerg Hansen, managing director of the museum said. 巴赫故居博物馆馆长乔格·汉森说:“在多数人心目中,巴赫是一个戴着假发的老人,这是一个程式化的形象,其实我们并没有他的真实画像。”
1. using artistic forms and conventions to create effects; not natural or spontaneous