1. The result analyzed shows the highest score cases mostly match with the cases list which gain subventions. 分析结果得知评估试算出最高分数的数件案例与获选补助的案例名单大致符合;
2. By the end of the year, 127 NGOs had switched to the new funding mode, covering 90 per cent of the total subventions. 年底时,共有127家非政府机构选择转行新安排,涉及的资助额占资助总额的九成。
3. by said relief means that governments at all levels paid to the Department of Home Living difficult personal Subventions. 所说的救济金,是指各级人民政府民政部门支付给个人的生活困难补助费。
subventions 补助金;
new recurrent account subventions subhead 经常帐下的资助金新分目;
经常帐下的资助金新分目 财经;
new capital account subventions subhead 非经常帐下的资助金新分目;
Subventions and Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee 津贴及奖券基金咨询委员会;
津贴及政府奖券基金谘询委员会 财经;
津贴及政府奖券基金谘询委员会 社会福利;