1. I had little in common with the others and it soon became obvious I was only there on sufferance. 我同其他人很少有共同之处,事情很快就搞清楚了,我只是勉强获准呆在那里的。
2. A growth shell exterior ballistic model is established according to the hypotheses and the characteristics of sufferance force. 根据假设和受力分析,建立了锚弹的外弹道模型。
3. The sense of death is most in apprehension; And the poor beetle that we tread upon. In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great, As when a giant dies. 对死亡的感觉主要是出自想象,被我们践踏的可怜甲虫,肉体上所忍受的痛苦,和巨人死亡是的感受并无二致。
1. patient endurance especially of pain or distress
2. a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations