1. It is far more important for us to let our kids, our future, know that art is neither frivolous nor superfluous. 更重要的是让我们的孩子,也就是我们的未来,了解艺术不是毫无意义或者根本不必要的。
2. At first glance, the last three __asm keywords seem superfluous. They are needed, however, because the macro expands into a single line. 乍一看,最后的三个关键字看上去是多余的。但是他们使用的,因为宏会被展开成单独的一行代码。
3. Moreover, such proof is superfluous, for the idea of an all-powerful divine Being is present everywhere, unconsciously if not consciously, because it is an archetype. 而且,这种证据也是多余的,因为(此处被屏蔽)圣存在的理念在处处显现——意识或潜意识中的,因为它是一个原型。
1. serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
2. more than is needed, desired, or required