1. In despite of how hard 不管我怎么样的努力,在父母眼里,我仍然是什么都不行,他们仍然要对我指手画脚,而不顾我是一个三十岁的男人,虽然是单身。
2. On the strength of one short paragraph they have decided you are unpleasantly ambitious, devious, probably talentless and a shameless flirt. 凭借一小段话,他们就判断出你是个野心勃勃得令人生厌的人,你狡猾、或许有些无能,而且还不知廉耻地调情。
3. A talentless street musician in Holland got local people so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they got police to confiscate his instrument. 荷兰有一位没有天分的街头音乐家,每天演奏的萨克斯实在太难听。当地居民不堪忍受,让警察没收了他的乐器。