1. The method of theoretical analysis is adequate for more professional engineering technologist. 理论分析法适用于比较专业的工程技术人员。
2. The technologist can tell which virus you have by observing which antigen your antibodies react with. 技术人员藉由观察你的抗体与哪种抗原起反应,就能分辨你体内的病毒是哪一种。
3. A comprehensive system of vocational education and technical training provides the economy with well-trained manpower at craft, technician and higher technician/technologist levels. 本港有完备的职业教育及训练制度,为工商界提供受过良好训练的技工、技术员和高级技术员/技师。
1. a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems