1. This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation, yellowish fur, and thready and slippery pulse. 中风病人凡具有便干便秘,舌苔黄腻,脉弦滑等症状,皆可大胆应用。
2. The pulse is differentiated in terms of depth (superficial or deep), speed ( rapid or slow), strength (forceful or weak), shape ( thick or thready, soft or hard) and rhythm. 脉应区分其的沉浮、快慢、强弱、形状和节律。
3. After operation, the intestine obstruction and distension were relieved, But high fever remained. The patient was unconscious with deep, rapid respiration and thready pulse. 术后肠梗阻缓解,腹胀消退,但高热不退,神志不清,呼吸深快,脉细弱。
1. forming viscous or glutinous threads
2. thin in diameter; resembling a thread