1. It is important that you have open lines of communication, since you want titillating and amusing conversation. 如果你想要愉快有趣的交谈,那么打开通信线是很重要的。
2. A video circulated widely in 2007 showed his third wife, known as the "royal consort", at a formal dinner with the prince in a titillating state of undress. 2007年,一个视频广为流传,被称作“皇妃”的王储第三任妻子在王储正式宴会上赤身裸体,春意荡漾。
3. Does this mean that in business, as opposed to politics, there is no titillating story on expenses? That business people are better people than parliamentarians? 这是否意味着,和政坛截然相反,商业领域不存在让人竖起耳朵的报销丑闻?是不是商业人士比议员更正派呢?
1. pleasantly and superficially exciting
2. giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing
3. exciting by touching lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements