1. Titular ref. capacity testing working condition: evaporating temperature -7℃, environment temperature 32℃. 机组名义制冷量试验工况为:蒸发温度-7℃,环境温度32℃。
2. A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. 面对所有的反对,一个人应该依然能坚持自我,仿佛除了自我,世间的一切都是徒有虚名,昙花一现的。
3. Unit titular refrigeration capacity testing working condition: evaporating temperature -7℃, environment temperature 32℃. 机组名义制冷量试验工况为:蒸发温度-7℃,环境温度32℃。
1. of or relating to a legal title to something
2. of or associated with or bearing a title signifying nobility
3. derived from a title
4. of or associated with or bearing a title signifying status or function
5. existing in name only