1. Teaching purpose: to know the factors of realization and restraint of news value during transmitting. 教学目的:认识新闻价值在传播过程中实现及其限制因素。
2. The procedure of transmitting a message from a station on a leasedline network to a station not serviced by the leasedline network. 从租用线路网上的一个站把报文传送到一个不属于租用线路网服务的另一个站的过程。
3. The form of nobody keeping watch and someone remaining has become the development tendency of modernized broadcast transmitting station. “有人留守,无人值班”播出发射形式已成为现代化广播电视发射台的发展趋势。
1. the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted