1. In the mechanism of control and adjustment of the tribal society, it also have the functions of the vertical control to the tribal people through adjustment to the tribal society. 在对部落社会的控制和调节机制中,通过草山对部落属民进行纵向控制,用“杀人偿命价、伤人赔血价、偷盗加倍罚”等方式对部落社会进行横向调节。此外,军事方面的内容也独具特色。
2. it elected its phylarch, or tribal chief , who commanded the cavalry, the taxiarch commanding the infantry, and the strategos, who was in command over all the forces raised in the tribal area. 它选出一个菲拉尔赫即部落长,指挥骑兵;一个塔克色阿赫,指挥步兵;一个兵法家,统率在部落境内招募的全体军人。
3. Your also anti-discriminate and tribal grouping tribal group opposition? 你也反对种族歧视及族群对立吗?
4. The chief executive of the United States, serving as both chief of state and chief political executive. 总统美利坚合众国的总统,同时为国家''。'元首'。''和政府首脑。
5. The three officials were said to be the chief of Tunlan coal mine, the engineer-in-chief and a deputy chief of the coal mine in charge of work safety, according to a Xinhua report. 根据新华社的报道,这三位主要领导人包括矿长、总工程师以及负责生产安全的副矿长。
commander in chief commander-in-chief generalissimo 总司令;
commander in chief commander-in-chief generalissimo 总司令;