1. The resection of chorda tympani nerve can cause taste blindness of the right side of tongue. 切除鼓索神经可引起该侧舌味觉的丧失。
2. Spontaneous CSF leakage from the tegmen tympani caused by an arachnoid cyst has not been reported in the literature. 因蛛网膜囊肿造成中耳鼓室顶缺损所导致的自发性脑脊髓液耳漏过去在文献中未曾被报告过。
3. These results indicate that cells of this neural stem cell line migrate from the scala tympani to Rosenthal's canal and the organ of Corti. 上述结果表明,细胞中的这种神经干细胞系移植,从鼓阶,以罗森塔尔的运河和器官的科尔蒂。
1. a large hemispherical brass or copper percussion instrument with a drumhead that can be tuned by adj