1. If we do see a change in behavior, Nomura says that equities at least are unequivocally at a deflated stage of the cycle. 野村公司说,如果人们的经济行为真要发生变化,那么股市至少要处在景气周期的收缩阶段。
2. In the past several years, a lot of us have convinced ourselves that stress is unequivocally negative for everyone, all the time. 在过去的几年里,我们中的大多数人相信我们自己,压力总是不公平倾斜到每个人身上的。
3. The intricate web of feedback interactions renders this question exceedingly complicated—and we don't know enough yet to answer it unequivocally. 复杂的回馈互动网络使得问题更加复杂,而我们目前所知还不足以给予明确的答案。