1. answered with an unimpassioned defense; the unimpassioned intellect. 以没有热情的辩护回答控告;冷静的理解力。
2. She was apparently doing so in a deliberate and unimpassioned manner, with a view of making the best of it. 很显然她用从容不迫、沉着冷静的方式想尽量考虑出个名堂来。
3. All ecstasies, of love and anger, joys and agonies, and all the passions that plague man fron birth, are lapped at in unimpassioned earth. 一切狂喜,爱和恨,乐与哀,一切与生具来的折磨人的情感,最终都被无情的尘土掩埋~!
1. free from emotional appeal; marked by reasonableness