1. his unostentatious office; unostentatious elegance. 他朴素的办公室;朴素的优雅。
2. An office might make me feel more important, which would be nice– though this particular slip of a room is unostentatious to a fault. 一间单独的办公室可能让我觉得自己更重要,感觉会不错,虽然屋子小的可怜,而且不管从什么角度看,它都显得比较简单。
3. The world is beating a path to Finland to find out what made this unostentatious Nordic country top of international education league tables. 全世界都跑到芬兰去,想发现是什么让这个一向低调的北欧国家在世界教育排名上遥遥领先。
1. not ostentatious
2. exhibiting restrained good taste
3. free from ostentation or pretension