1. We organize seminars, workshops, camps, talks and various social activities reaching out to the unreached. 我们也将筹办各样的研讨会、工作坊、营会、讲座和其他社区活动以向非信徒传福音。
2. Original climber searched the most convenient way to peak, especially unreached peak by others was their goal. 早期登山者所寻找的是通往山顶的最方便的途径,因为顶峰特别是前人未曾到过的顶峰--才是他们寻求的目标。
3. Still unreached by missionaries, the 11, 790 polytheistic Naru and the 11, 650 animistic Daizhan live in spiritual darkness. 790位迷信多神的纳儒人和11,650位迷信精灵的带占人没有听过福音,仍活在黑暗的属灵光景中。