1. Before the year of 2005, the number of unschooled people referred to those who were lack of literacy. 未上学人口2005年以前为不识字或识字很少的人口。
2. In 1937, at the age of seventeen, an unschooled Hoay Eam left his home in Amoy to come to Penang to work as a store-hand for his uncle, Tan Han Geok. 1937年,没受过正规教育而年方17的火炎,离开家乡来到了槟城,投靠于伯父陈汉玉并当起了一名打杂。
3. Later that night someone came to Wesley to complain about unschooled preachers who were too ignorant even to know the meaning of the texts they were preaching on. 当晚,有人对卫斯理牧师抱怨说,这些未受教育的传道人是多麽无知,竟连自己所传讲的经文都不瞭解。