1. We still to the philosophy of "Credit First , Clients Upmost ", after our the hard work , our products have sale very well all over the world . 我司始终坚持以“诚信第一,顾客至上”为宗旨,且经过多年的努力,我们的产品畅销海外,并取得了不错的成绩。
2. Population, diked fields and floods were three upmost important elements in the economy of the Dongting Lake regions during the early Qing Dynasty. 人口、垸田和水灾是制约清代前期洞庭湖区社会经济发展的三要素。
3. RESULTS To get the upmost control nosocomial infection, the staff′s safety and health were addressed when they worked in an infected area of laboratory. 结果最大限度地控制临床实验室医源性感染,保护了实验人员的健康安全。