1. Ever green mountains verdure the accompanying distance between us. 青山不老翠绿着我们相知相伴的距离。
2. Sweet-scented thymes and blushing anemones spread over the verdure in delicate bloom and filled the air with their fragrance. 扑鼻的百里香和红色的秋牡丹豔开在青翠的树枝上,空气中充满著它们散发出来的芳香。
3. The five weeks which she had now passed in Kent had made a great difference in the country, and every day was adding to the verdure of the early trees. 她到肯特五个星期以来,乡村里已经有了很大的变化,早青的树一天比一天绿了。
1. green foliage
2. the lush appearance of flourishing vegetation