virgin 通常指未婚者,贞洁未被玷污的人,或指婚烟关系尚未完成者。 maiden 与virgin含义相近,但更着重年轻与未婚,或未曾发生过任何两性关系。 single 指尚未结婚的人,但更多指终生不结婚的人。
1. No, I prepare to do a holiday virgin . 不是的,我准备做一个度假处女。
2. Then we are the Adam and Eve of a virgin earth. 我们就是一块处女地上的亚当和夏娃。
3. I watched many American movies , which give me an impression that most teenagers want to finish their virgin career before high school, like American Pie. Is that true? 我看过很多美国电影,给我这样的感觉,美国的年轻人总想在高中毕业之前结束自己的处子生涯,像美国派,是真的吗?
1. a person who has never had sex
2. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Virgo
3. the sixth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about August 23 to September 22 adj.
1. being used or worked for the first time
2. in a state of sexual virginity