manner 多指行动的特殊方式或独特的方法。 method 指有系统、有条理地办事或解决问题的方法。 way 普通用词,可指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式,也可指特殊的方式或方法。 mode 书面用词,常指因个人爱好或传统习俗等因素而遵循的方法。 fashion 着重独特的程序或方式,尤指个人的偏爱或习惯。 means 指为达到某种目的或目标而采用的方法、手段或途径。 approach 指从事某事的特别方法、途径。
1. The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection. 当汽车向十字路口靠近时减速。
2. Students should understand the approach to communicate with others on packing. 让学生了解如何就包装进行沟通交流的方法。
3. If you approach everything from the viewpoint that life is a battle, what is life like? 如果你探讨一切事情从人生是一场战斗的观点出发,人生是什么呢?
1. ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation
2. the act of drawing spatially closer to something
3. a way of entering or leaving
4. the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
5. the event of one object coming closer to another
6. a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others
7. the temporal property of becoming nearer in time
8. a close approximation
9. a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green v.
1. move towards
2. come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character
3. begin to deal with
4. come near in time
5. make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion