1. I want this beer to chill so I'll leave it in the fridge for an hour. 我想要啤酒变凉,因此我把它放在冰箱里一小时。
2. Now this chill reminds me. 现在一点点寒意提醒我。
3. Breathing the chill air, the three of us draw our blankets closer. 我们三个人呼吸着习习凉气,将毛毯裹得更紧了。
1. coldness due to a cold environment
2. an almost pleasurable sensation of fright
3. a sensation of cold that often marks the start of an infection and the development of a fever
4. a sudden numbing dread v.
1. depress or discourage
2. make cool or cooler
3. loose heat adj.
1. uncomfortably cool