1. Courage is mealtime and desperately hoping it's not Chunky Chunks in "real"gravy again. 勇气,是到了开饭时间还拼命巴望着在“真”肉汤里还能有“真”肉块。
2. Accessoris with gold jewellery - chunky bangles and chains work well - then add brown, taupe or cream bags and shoes to finish. 配饰选金饰品——厚重的手镯或手链都很好——然后搭配棕色、灰褐色或者奶油色的包包和鞋子。
3. The Cards started hesitantly, with too many passes not finding their man and rather a lot of space afforded to the chunky Jody Banim and to Keith Gilroy out on the Brewers' left flank. 沃金队开局的表现有些犹豫不决,传球失误较多,给了酿酒商(对方球队的昵称,不知是不是取这个意思)左路矮胖的约迪-巴尼姆和凯斯-吉尔罗伊很多空间。
1. like or containing small sticky lumps
2. short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature