1. The pictures show that it was already lumpy; the denser areas went on to become galaxies, stars and planets. 照片显示它已经处于不均匀的状态;更为致密的区域开始形成银河、星和行星。
2. Roo told Lumpy to lie down and look up at the stars. "We just need to draw imaginary lines between the dots, " said Roo. 胖胖和小豆出神地凝望着夜空中的点点繁星,看着看着,突然发现天空中出现了一幅巨大的点点画。
3. Since this is primarily for creating the normal map it is ok if your sculpt is slightly lumpy, it actually helps your final cloth surface look more natural. 考虑到主要是为创建法线贴图的,那么你的雕刻稍微有点粗糙也是可以的,它实际上有助于你最终衣服表面看起来更自然。
1. like or containing small sticky lumps
2. having lumps; not smooth and even in texture