1. Nevertheless they fire with quite a lot of power and the smoke and noise can demoralise troops. 只是手枪的威力仍然很大,发射时产生的烟雾和巨响能打击敌人的士气。
2. A loss in North Rhine-Westphalia would demoralise the new government and erase its majority in the Bundesrat, the upper house. 北威州若失利,新政府会士气大跌,也会抹消其在上议院联邦参议院占多数的席位优势。
3. The opposition parties would also drop Labour's heavy-handed performance targets, arguing that they demoralise sta. , sap initiative and contribute to poor care. 反对党也将识破工党笨拙的幌子,指出他们混乱了身份,消弱了主动性,造成了低劣的医疗。
1. corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
2. lower someone's spirits; make downhearted