1. An English gentleman should play where the fashion is play, but should not elate or depress himself at the sport. 一位英国绅士在风行赌博的地方,不妨 逢场作戏 ,可是不能为了这种游戏忘乎所以,或者灰心丧气。
2. narrow human doctrines, that only tend to elate and magnify a few, should not be substituted for the world-redeeming creed of Christ. 表面现象不应该误以为是真理,那些狭隘的世俗教条只会使少数人得意洋洋,自我膨胀,但决不应该用来代替拯救世人的教义。
3. If one thing could stir his temper or excite his contempt more than another, it was to see a man be fooled by flattery, or elate with popularity. 如果说有什么最惹起他的脾气,最能激起他的轻蔑的事情,那就是看到一个人被当成傻瓜大捧特捧,或者因为声望而趾高气扬。