mind 使用广泛,无褒贬之意。强调诸如认识、记忆、思考、决定等的智慧功能。 intellect 侧重不受感情或意志左右的冷静思考或领悟能力。 intelligence 指处理或对付问题或情况的特殊才智;也指运用、展开智慧的能力。 wit 指先天的才能、智力、意识等,隐含小聪明意味。 wisdom 较文雅,也可指明智的言行。
1. What Is Intelligence, Anyway? 到底什么是智力?
2. Use it to test your intelligence! 用它来考验你的智力吧!
3. He bases the power of the majority on the advantage of collective intelligence. 他把多数人的集体智力优势作为多数人权力的基础。
1. the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
2. a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy
3. secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy)
4. new information about specific and timely events
5. the operation of gathering information about an enemy