1. The dowry would be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally. 如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。
2. No matter what the original gift was, or what the alternative is, people, irrationally, are reluctant to make the swap. 无论原来的礼物是什么,交换的礼物是什么,人们总是非理性地不愿意交换礼物。
3. There is also evidence that losses can make investors extremely, irrationally risk-averse—exaggerating price falls when a bubble bursts. 还有证据表明,投资损失可使投资者极端非理性的规避风险——在泡沫破灭时夸大价格下降。