1. The dragon is a mythical* creature for people. 龙对人们来说是一种虚构的动物。
2. The flush toilet then, as the plainest manifestation of a feedback loop, is a mythical beast -- the beast of self. 如此说来,抽水马桶,作为反馈回路的最为平实的体现,就是一头神秘的野兽——自我之兽。
3. The term vampire is also used to more generally refer to mythical or fictional creatures that drain power, energy, or life from unwilling victims. 其实吸血鬼也通常习惯于提及神话或者虚构的生物排水沟有力量,能源、来自不愿意受害人的生活。
1. based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity