1. Diane de Poitiers was a noblewoman noted for her love affair with Henry II of France. 戴安娜.普瓦捷是个女贵族,和法王亨利二世相恋,因此知名。
2. Originating from the hood of ancient noblewoman, the shade lancing, grey-green cloth and yellow gauze will obtain a harmonious assortment of exotic sensation. 设计理念源自古代贵妇人的头罩,帘头的花边、灰绿的主布、杏黄的纱布,天衣无缝地相互配合,让空间 充满异国情调。
3. Watson, 18, will play Betsy Balcombe, a young, impetuous noblewoman trapped on the isolated British island of St. Helena who falls in love with Napoleon, who has been exiled there. 18岁的沃特森出演贝琪·巴尔科姆。贝琪是圣赫勒拿岛上一位年轻冲动的女贵族,她爱上了被流放到那里的拿破仑。