molecule 指物质中保持原物质的一切化学性质,能独立存在的最小微粒,即分子。 atom 指元素的最小粒子,其体积比molecule小。 particle 指任何物质的微粒,引申指任何小的部分。 speck 一般指“微点”或“微粒”,可引申指“斑点、污点”。 grain 通常指能为肉眼清楚看到的颗粒,比上述几个词所表“粒”的体积大。
1. Particle physics was an area where creative work could still be done. 粒子物理学是一个还可以做创造性工作的领域。
2. To make an airplane contrail, you need water and some kind of microscopic particle for the water to condense around. 创造一条飞机的轨迹,你需要一些水和一种能让水在它周围凝聚的各种微小粒子。
3. To display them create another object with the Particle fluid type, explained below, that uses the same bake directory as the domain. 显示他们用粒子流体型态产生另外的一个物体,在下面解释,领域使用同一的烘焙目录。
1. (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
2. a body having finite mass and internal structure but negligible dimensions
3. a function word that can be used in English to form phrasal verbs