1. worthy of and deserving reprehension or reproof. 应被指责、非难的行为。
2. The ransom of a man's life are his riches: but he that is poor dearth not reprehension. 富人的钱财只是性命的赎价,穷人却没有这样的威胁。
3. I am mindful that this might be a controversial viewpoint, especially in our post-modern era in which a one-size-fit-all solution usually elicits strong reprehension. 我知道这可能是一个富争议性的观点,特别是在这后现代世纪,任何「唯一而通用」的答案都会引起强烈反感。
1. an act or expression of criticism and censure
reprehension 非难;
censure condemnation rebuke reflect reprehension tax with throw stones at 指责;