1. Serve with ice cream. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a sprinkle cocoa powder. 可以和冰淇淋一起食用。也可以用薄荷叶和可可粉装饰。
2. A traditional tune revealing another aspect of the suona IS the Sprig of Blossoms. 展示“唢呐”另一面品格的传统曲目是鲁西南鼓吹乐的《一枝花》。
3. There arc from the start where the separation of sprig teeth (buds), and then slowly long leaves, like a thin net slowly open. 从有弧度的地方开始分出小枝牙(叶芽),再慢慢的长叶子,像一张细细的网慢慢张开。
1. a small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division); usually applied to branches
2. an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers